Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Phelps Casualty?

I got an email from a fun, sweet student I taught in Yichang at TGU. Her English usually is great, but one paragraph of her email just made me laugh. She's describing the Olympics which she abbreviates BOG (Beijing Olympic Games). That was first time I'd seen that abbreviation so I read it as bog the first time through. Anyways, here's the paragraph:

While in the summer ,i watched the BOG a lot ,and Phepis is an impressing person,he is quite young and not bad-looking,he broke 7 world record in swimming in water cube.and one of Bush’sdaughter wants to have a relationship with him.I think he is very successful and he is a real Amercan,because of his casualty.

Because of his casualty? I'm not exactly sure what she was going for. But I do enjoy keeping in touch with my old students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm, was she trying to say he was casual?

glad things are going well in mengzi--i'm loving your pictures and updates! :-)