Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tell me this isn't true . . .

Not trying to go overboard on the electronic "clippings" (a reference my grandmother will appreciate), but I have another news article to share.

Having just spent 80+ hours on Indian trains, I read this article and was flabbergasted, stunned, shocked, dumbfounded, _______ (insert any other synonym here).

"Pregnant Woman Uses Train Toilet, Baby Slips Out"

First, how can this woman possibly not realize she's having a baby, even if it is premature? Can babies really just "fall out"?? Second, how in the world did the baby not get run over by the train? I'm glad the baby survived, but wow . . .

I'm sure it's a blessing for all of us that we can't remember our own births, but for this poor baby even more so. As if birth isn't painful and messy enough, then she gets "flushed" down a train toilet and ends up on the railroad tracks under a moving train! Can you imagine what she's going to have to endure later in life? . . . "Hey well, at least my mom didn't drop me down a train toilet when I was born." At least she'll never have to worry about the obligatory "Say one interesting fact about yourself" first-day-of-class icebreakers . . . "Well, when I was born, I fell down a squatty potty on a moving train . . . " Ugghhhh, train toilets are so filthy! The thought of it makes me cringe!

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