Monday, March 2, 2009

Right on Track

Last weekend, we were all invited to go to the nearby village of Bai Sha Chong with some friends to have dinner and meet some new friends. When we got to the village, dinner was still in the works. As seems to be the case a lot of times when you're waiting for a meal to be cooked, we (the guests) were sort of left to entertain ourselves while the hosts all cooked in the kitchen. Rather than sit in a warm room inside surrounded by a swarm of flies, we decided to enjoy the sunshine and go explore the old, deserted train station and railroad tracks that were close by. We discovered that walking on old railroad tracks is endlessly fun and makes for good photo ops.

While Victoria and I were seeing how well we could walk and balance on the tracks, Esther (age 5) turned around and in all serious said to Victoria, "Um, I don't think Mommies do that."
Um yeah, the sign posted on the column that Brian is trying to climb says "no climbing" we discovered. :)

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