Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Brief Window of Connectivity

Quick get a blog post in before the internet goes out!

For the last three weeks, my internet connection has gone from completely and randomly broken, to repaired, to on the fritz, to broken (again), to repaired (again), to reconfigured, to intermittently working, to working for 30 minutes at a time, to slow, to . . .

I'm beyond frustrated with the whole mess. Anyway, blogging capability is minimal right now and indefinitely since no one seems to be able to figure out what happened to our internet or as soon as someone comes and "fixes" the connections (spending two hours in my apartment), the connection is immediately lost.

As I learned to say tonight in my Chinese class, 伤脑筋!! (shang nao jin), directly translated "this is injuring my brain!!" but with a more figurative meaning of "so trying and troublesome!"

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